In this edition of Generosity Profiles: I have the pleasure of introducing you to Sora Garrett who calls herself a possibility catalyst, because she sees the potential in a situation or in a person and helps fan it to life.
She is an inspirational writer and author of The Miracle Keys in which she explores the components that unlock our full potential and connection through a dreamlike conversation with an angel. In the book, she talks about forgiveness, laughter, and, of course, generosity.
For me, Sora is a wonderful example of the generosity quality of shining the light on other people. Simone Weil wrote that “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity,” and I believe she’s right. To give someone your undivided attention is to make them the center of your universe for a moment, to understand them, to care what they care about, and doing so is no easy feat. Sora consistently and unreservedly gives attention and support to the people around her who are doing things she admires.
When I suggested this interview, she asked if we could use it as an opportunity to promote my giving circles. I replied, “That’s exactly what someone who loves to shine the light on other people would say, and no, this interview is going to be all about you!”
Clean Water Fundraising
We also shined a light on her collaboration in an effort to provide clean water to 1 million people. This is a global effort led by 100 teams who are each raising $5,000. The funds will go to purchase water filters that will allow people to avoid water born illnesses that not only hamper their ability to attend school and run businesses that could help them break the cycle of poverty but also cause thousands of easily preventable deaths in children every month. You can help her reach her $5,000 fundraising goal by making a donation here.
I hope you enjoy our interview, I invite you to connect with her at her website.