In this edition of Generosity Profiles, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Charles Orgbon who founded Greening Forward when he was in the 5th grade! Charles exemplifies the generosity trait of leadership. Generosity is not a thought experiment. It only happens when someone takes a leadership role and does it!
Now in college, our guest also trains and empowers other young people to be leaders, too. Greening Forward is a youth-driven, youth-imagined organization that has grown into the largest movement of its kind. They’ve distributed over tens of thousands of dollars in funding to youth environmental projects that plant trees, build compost bins, install rain barrels, monitor streams, recycle tons of waste, planned numerous International Young Environmentalists Youth Summits, and advocate for a number of other environmental issues.
In honor of our guest’s commitment to the environment and Earth Day, which is Friday, April 22nd, Charles and I share some suggestions for actions you can take to celebrate the day and care for the earth.
To support Charles and the next generation of environmental leaders, go to