Every 3 months, my friends and I donate thousands of dollars to great charities around the world. I don’t personally give thousands. I give $25. But together, our small donations add up to a lot. In fact, we’re about to have donated more than $60,000. It’s so cool to see what a big difference we can make when we do small things together.
6 years ago, I founded Change Gangs: Virtual Giving Circles. If you’ve never heard of a giving circle, it’s quite simple. In a giving circle, people pool their donations with the donations of other people who care about the same cause, and then donate together. A giving circle is your donation team.
Our giving circles are virtual, so anyone from anywhere can be part of it. You can give it no time at all or attend our monthly conference calls. You can nominate charities for us to consider or not. You can vote on where we donate or not. We couldn’t make it any easier for you to be involved at any level you want to be involved. We do all the hard work of vetting the charities, and you have all the satisfaction of knowing you’re supporting great charities doing great work.
So, it’s my favorite time of the year. It’s the time we’re getting ready to donate more money. We’ve just opened up nominations, so if you want to get in on the fun, now is a perfect time.
We have 3 different giving circles, so you can choose the cause you want to support. I hope you’ll join one of our donation teams and start making small donations that make a big difference.
If you love pets, visit http://peopleforpetsgivingcircle.com/
If you want to help end poverty, visit http://povertybustersgivingcircle.com/
If want to support our veterans, visit http://www.veteransgivingcircle.com/